Friday 27 November 2015

Kafl Abbas: (Karbala)

 Kafl Abbas means the arm of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.). There were two spots near by outside the Haram of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.).

Makame Fizza: (Karbala)

 Makame Fizza is a place where Bibi  Fizza had summoned a lion. The place is located in narrow lane among residential area. Surrounding is bazaar and houses. A lion sculpture is placed on the top.


Sunday 22 November 2015

Tillae-Zainabiya (Karbala)

Tillae-Zainabiya is a small hill facing the Rauza of Imam Hussein (a.s.) 

From this small hillock Janabe Zainab A.S.saw Hazrat Imam Hussain A.S. when he fell from the horse during the battle and was martyred.

This is the high point between the khaimah gaah and the qatal gaah.From here Hazrat Zainab (a.s) could see what was happening on the battle field.

On Tilla-e-Zainabiya its written Al salam alaiki Ya Jabal al Sabr

Tilla-e-Zainabiya is very important ziarat place of Karbala. It can be seen from many  places. From both sides of roads that goes to Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s) Rouza it can be seen from distant. It is visible from Khaimah Gaah

 Right hand side is roza of Harat Imam Hussain (a.s)