Friday 25 December 2015

House of Imam Ali (a.s.) Kufa- Iraq

Behind Masjid-e-Kufa is Bayt Ali (a.s). Inside the house there is a place where Imam Ali (a.s.) lay on his deathbed in the presence of his family members. There is also a room where it is said that Imam Ali (a.s.) was given Ghusl, and a well from which water for his Ghusl is supposed to have come

Khaimagah (Karbala)

This is just behind Tillae-Zainabia. Here all the tents of Imam Hussein (a.s.), his family and companions were pitched.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Sons of Muslim Bin Aqeel at Musayyab

Hazrat Muslim bin Aqil (as) had two young sons by the name of Muhammad & Ibrahim whose Zareehs are located at a place known as Musayyab between Karbala & Kadhmain. These two children grew up to love Islam, to love Allah, to love the teachings of Quran and realizing the importance of these values, these children were ready to sacrifice their lives for the cause of truth.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Makame Moosi Kazim bin Jaffar (As)

Makame Moosi Kazim bin Jaffar (As) is a place where Hazrat Imam Moosi Kazim (As) stayed in a place whenever he visited Karbala. It is a small place

Friday 11 December 2015

Tomb of Rushayd al-Hajari(A.R )

Rushayd al-Hajari was one of the elite companions of Hazrat Imam 'Ali (as) and Hazrat Imam al-Hasan (as).

He was companion of four Imam , which were Hazrat Imam 'Ali (a s), Hazrat  Imam al-Hasan (as), Hazrat Imam al-Hussain (a s) and  Hazrat Imam al-Sajjad ul Abedein (a s)

He was one of the closest people to Imam 'Ali (a) and received 'Ilm al-Balaya wa l-Manaya (the knowledge of calamities and time of deaths) from him. Hazrat Imam 'Ali (as) had foretold the way he would be martyred. 
One day Hazrat Imam Ali (as) asked him “what will you do if Bani Ummayah asks you to leave me?”Rushayd al-Hajari
in return asked Imam “that if I do not leave you what will be my fate?” The Imam, replied “in that case you will be with me in Jannat”, to which Rashid Al Hijri replied, so I will not leave you.

Hajari" means a person from Bahrain or a city in Yemen or a village near Medina.  Hazrat Imam 'Ali (a) named him "Rushayd al-Balaya" (Rushayd of the calamities).

Hazrat Imam 'Ali (a s) had foretold the way he would be martyred. Imam al-Kazim (as) said: "O, Ishaq! indeed Rushayd knew the[time of calamities and events, and the time of lives and deaths

He was martyred by 'Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad (or his father) as Imam 'Ali (a) had foretold.'Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad ordered to cut his hands, legs and tongue and then hang him. 

 It is said that he had a daughter named Qinwa, who has narrated the story of his father martyrdom.
His tomb is located in Kifl, Iraq. It is a town in southeastern Iraq on the Euphrates River, between Najaf and Al Hillah.
